In Creative and Performing Arts, students discover a variety of art forms through a study of Music, Dance, Drama, Photography and Digital Media, Visual Design, and Visual Arts. When studying in Creative and Performing Arts, students learn to appreciate, compose, listen, make and perform. Each art form has its own unique knowledge, skills, elements or concepts as well as a capacity to inspire and enrich lives beyond the classroom.
Students must study 100 hours of both Music and Visual Arts during Years 7 to 10. They also have an opportunity to further develop their knowledge and skills in other art forms through elective subjects. Students can then select from a wide range of creative courses in Years 11 to 12.
Courses Offered
The Creative and Performing Arts faculty provide a diverse range of courses across all stages.
Mandatory music is held for all students in either Year 7 or 8. Students are then able to select options as electives in the following years.
- Year 9 and 10 – Music Elective
- Year 11 and 12 – Music 1
Visual Arts
Visual Arts is studied by all students in Year 8 as a mandatory course. The following is a list of the options for students in Visual Arts after Year 8.
- Year 9 and 10 – Visual Arts, Photography and Digital Media
- Year 11 – Visual Arts and Visual Design.
Dance is also offered as an elective in Years 9 and 10.
Drama is offered as an Elective course in Years 9 and 10 and also for study in the senior school.
In addition to our broad range of curriculum choices there are various opportunities for students in extra curricula activities. Some of these include:
- Vocal Ensemble
- Instrumental Tuition
- Concert Band
- Art Club
- Dance Ensemble
- Drama Club
- Ukulele Ensemble
Creative and Performing Arts Staff
The CAPA faculty is made up of experienced and professional teachers who provide the highest quality teaching, using a diverse range of up to date technology. Being exposed to the arts plays a significant role in our students’ lives. As a faculty we believe being creative is a future focus skill and a skill for life. The arts enriches our students lives, it brings communities together and enhances cultural awareness.
Mrs K Metcalfe HT CAPA, Visual Arts and Dance
Mrs Davidson Visual Arts/ Music
Mrs Parker Visual Arts
Mrs Langley Visual Arts
Miss Tran Music
Mr Bozzetto Music