Setting priorities and time management
Good time management helps students juggle their many commitments and interests and establish good habits for life. Weekly and monthly planners can help your child with time management.
Help with online research
Students in the middle years need help with online research skills including finding, evaluating, communicating and reflecting on information.
Guides on researching and referencing can be found on the school library page.
Homework Centre
The school offers a Homework Centre. Details can be found here.
Advice for parents of senior students
Year 11 is known as the Preliminary year, and it is important that students get into a good study routine from day one.
HSC: all my own work
Advice on making sure HSC work is original and is properly referenced.
Past HSC exam papers
Completing past HSC exam papers can help your child prepare for the real exams at the end of the year.
HSC dates and events
Find out all of the key HSC dates and timetables for this year.
Preparing for exams
Find out what is required when preparing for and attending exams for different subjects.
HSC advice line
Students Online is a source of information for students about study from Year 10 to the HSC. Students can register for an account to access past papers and their enrolment details, assessment rankings and HSC results.