Have you heard of a P&C but not really knew what is or does?
Our P&C is a committee of volunteers, who are Parents or Citizens who support our school and most importantly, our children.
As a registered charity, we can apply for grants that non-charities may not qualify.
The annual $40 contribution fee (charged as part of the school fees) is used by the P&C to fund improvement projects across the school. Recently, we paid for the painting of student's toilets using these funds, and the P&C made a significant contribution towards the installation of air conditioning for remaining classrooms which is due for completion during the 2022/23 summer break.
There is a lot on our list to do, we will prioritise suggestions through feedback from our students as to their most pressing needs.
If you can, please attend our P&C meetings and make a productive contribution to our school.
Meetings are the third Monday of the month (during term time), 6:30pm, for 30-45 minutes.
To be able to vote at Parent and Citizen Meetings, attendees need to be a finanical member of the Macquarie Fields Parent and Citizens Association. The membership fee is $2 and is paid to the Treasurer with the membership form.
The Parents and Citizens association has adopted a constitution which is available for download.
Note: The P&C is not a forum to discuss day to day questions about the school, please contact the office directly as you normally would for those matters.
Looking forward to working with you!
Kindest regards,
President MFHS P&C
Get in contact with the P&C Executive
Secretary- secretary@mfhspandc.onmicrosoft.com
Vice President 1- vicepres1@mfhspandc.onmicrosoft.com
Vice President 2- vicepres2@mfhspandc.onmicrosoft.com
Treasurer- treasurer@mfhspandc.onmicrosoft.com