Welcome to the School Library!
The library provides an ever increasing range of resources to support students and staff in their learning and recreational reading. The library focuses on the development of information literacy by providing access to print and non print resources. Our operational philosophy is
"Macquarie Fields High School Library is more than just 4 walls; it is the world, 24 hours a day, seven days a week."
Library hours are 8.00 am to 3:20pm. The student id card issued in year 7 and then renewed in years 9 and 11 also serve as the student borrowing card, however, if replacement cards are required a cost of $10.00 will be incurred.
Accessing the Library Collection
To meet the 21st Century information needs of our school community, the library catalogue and many parts of the digital library collection can be accessed via our online catalogue known as Oliver. Oliver is accessed through the Department of Education Student Portal
Check out this video by student ambassador Ben on how to search for books in Oliver and add them to the Premier's Reading Challenge.
Student Borrowing Limits
Years 7-10
2 Fiction Resources
2 Non Fiction Resources
14 day loan
Year 11 & 12
3 Fiction Resources
3 Non Fiction Resources
14 day loan
(Textbooks are not counted in these limits)
These logos represent the 6 steps to seeking and using information in assignments for all subject areas. The Assignment Guide Sheet has helpful, reflective questions to guide students through the process of interpreting assignment questions, finding appropriate information and using that information to create a response.
Assignment Guide Sheet
Encouraging Ethical Scholarship
Students are strongly encouraged to use images, videos and sounds in projects that are available through Creative Commons. Creative Commons is where the owner of the original media has given permission upfront for other people to use their material. Please read the guide on Creative Commons which includes how to search for media licensed under Creative Commons.
Creative Commons Guide Sheet
How to Reference in Assignments
Students are strongly encouraged to use a wide range of resources for completing assignments including books, online databases, websites, video, podcasts and journals. As ethical scholars, it is essential that students submit a reference list outinling what resources where used or cited in the assignment. Our school uses Harvard Referencing format. The following links provide useful guides on how to reference resources in the Harvard style.
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