What does the Careers & Transition Faculty do at Macquarie Fields High School?
The Careers Faculty at Macquarie Fields High School is dedicated to providing students with an abundance of information and experiences to best prepare them for what comes next after high school. The Careers Faculty:
· Are available for individual interviews with students as required
· Are always open to parent interviews on request
· Teaches year 10 careers lessons as required
· Oversees the TAFE delivered VET program and school delivered VET programs
· Conducts year 12 individual interviews
· Coordinates 'Work Experience' program for years 9-12
· Coordinates short courses for interested students including White Card Training, Fork Lift Training, Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) and Responsible Conduct of Gambling (RCG)
· Sources and coordinates pre apprenticeship training courses
· Facilitates the 'School to Work' program for years 7 to 10
· Are Involved in students subject selection process including individual interviews
· Takes students to careers expos and university campus visits
· Arranges guest speakers from a variety of universities to come to school and talk to students
· Maintains organised and up to date careers resources
· Completes the 'School Leaver's Destination Survey' as summarised in the Annual School Report
· Undertakes transition meetings and helps develop transition plans for students
· Has members on the Executive Team, The Welfare Team, and the Learning Support Team
All students should check their school email weekly for forwarded career information and opportunities.
With a highly organised and up to date Careers Resource Office, students have access to current information on Universities, TAFEs and other training organisations. There are also significant resources outlining different occupations and career paths with assistance in developing job skills, job searching and job applications. Our students can utilise these resources during recess and lunch and can organise meetings with the Careers Adviser or Transition Adviser during this time or by appointment.
Mrs Judy Buckler – Head Teacher Administration and Careers Adviser
Ms Melissa Purdon – Transition Adviser