Striving for Success through Positive Partnerships
Macquarie Fields High School is an inclusive school where students in Special Education classes participate in a range of school activities. We aim to inspire and motivate all students to strive for success. We believe that education is about celebrating individual success through working as a team that cares about the educational outcomes for students with special education needs.
Our faculty was established in 2012, and supports students with Autism Spectrum Disorder within Special Education support classes. Faculty members include dedicated and highly trained teachers, School Learning Support Officers (SLSOs) and a Head Teacher. All teachers in our faculty have post-graduate qualifications in Special Education. We are all committed in our efforts to demonstrate best practice in teaching students within a Special Education setting.
Students in Special Education classes undertake a range of courses of study via Regular Curriculum and/or Life Skills streams, including the core subjects of English, Mathematics, Science, HSIE and PDHPE. A student's program of study is determined on an individual basis.
Our main focus is to develop each student's individual potential, both academically and socially. Programs of study are developed through collaborations with students, parents, staff and other support agencies where appropriate. All student learning goals, with an emphasis on career planning, are negotiated and revised on a regular basis
Through working in collaboration with other faculties across the school, students have the opportunity to develop areas of strength and participate in mainstream classes where appropriate, via the Regular Curriculum, or via Life Skills.
Students enrolled in Special Education classes are involved in comprehensive faculty initiatives such as the Work Exploration Program, travel training, Community Access and Transition Programs, but are also encouraged to participate in whole school activities such as Year 7 Camp, sporting carnivals, Year Meetings, Peer Support and the Student Representative Council (SRC).
We are confident in our ability to support our students and their families in working towards their individual and collective educational goals, and striving for the future.