Google Classroom is a free online learning platform that allows teachers and students to engage with resources and tasks via an easy to use online format. Students at MFHS have been using Google Classroom, both at school and at home, for a number of years now. Google Classroom is endorsed by the NSW Department of Education and is fully supported by, and works with, the broader Google Education suite.
Google Classroom can be accessed from any device connected to the internet, including laptops, desktop computers, tablets or mobile phones.
Teachers can use Google Classroom to:
- Send announcements to entire classes;
- Share resources, including course notes, PowerPoints, diagrams, TV4Education videos, websites and Blended Learning tutorials;
- Set learning activities and homework; and
- Provide individualised feedback to students.
Students can use Google Classroom to:
- Communicate with their teachers;
- Access resources for their subjects;
- Complete set activities, including homework; and
- Access individualised feedback on their work.
Accessing Google Classroom
Each individual class at MFHS will have its own subject-specific Google Classroom, which will be overseen by the classroom teacher.
Students can access Google Classroom by:
- Logging into their Student Portal; or
- Downloading the Google Classroom app (Android and iOS).
Students must sign into Google Classroom using their student email and password.
Many students, especially students in Years 11 &12, will already be enrolled in a Google Classroom for each of their subjects.
Students who are not yet enrolled in a Google Classroom for some, or all, of their subjects, will receive a unique code via their student email. This code will allow them to ‘join’ (enrol) in the Google Classroom for their specific class and subject. It is essential that students are able to log into their student email, so that they can join all of the Google Classrooms and access work posted by their teachers.