Macquarie Fields High School

Loyalty, Sincerity, Generosity

Telephone02 9605 3111

New logo to represent our school

Shield shape with 5 stripes across it in the lower half- the top stripe bends up on the left into a 5 point star.

Happy new year to all our students, staff, and their families! With the new year, we debut a new logo to represent our school. This logo was designed in consultation with representatives of our student body, our staff, and our parent community during 2023.

About the new logo

The stripes

These represent 'streams'. Our school is located close to the George's River and local site, Simmos Beach; there is a network of creeks in the area and in fact Macquarie Creek passes through our school site (in the form of flood water).

At Macquarie Fields High School we have three education streams:

  • Special education stream
  • Mainstream (community stream)
  • Selective stream

In fact, students in each of these streams flow together in many ways:

  • In the playground
  • In the local area
  • Special education students join mainstream classes.
  • Mainstream and selective students join in elective classes.
  • Mainstream and selective students are in all classes together once they get to Years 11-12.

The logo has five streams of the river flow into the star, so the other two  streams represent:

  • a staff stream, and
  • a community stream, representing parents, carers, local community members and ex-students.

These five streams then flow into the star which represents:

  • moving forward
  • aspirations to reach our goals
  • educational excellence for all students

The star

All five streams of our school is represented in the 5-point star.

The Colour

We have retained maroon and the shield shape to acknowledge our school history and the old school crest.